Fear is the cheapest room in the house.
I would like to see you living
In better conditions.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anaïs Nin
Love and death are the great gifts that are given to us; mostly they are passed on unopened. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Man, sometimes it takes you a long time to sound like yourself. ~ Miles Davis
Live the life you have imagined” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity. ~ Simon Weil
What’s really going on below? ~ Leonard Cohen
The weight of the world is love.
Under the burden of solitude,
under the burden of dissatisfaction
the weight,the weight we carry is love. ”
~Allen Ginsberg
The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~ Carl Rogers
Don’t wait. Welcome everything. Push away nothing.
Bring your whole self to the experience.
Find a place of rest into the middle of things. ~ Frank Ostaseski
The way out is in. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
If we learn how to suffer, we will suffer less. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Breaking down is waking up. ~ Siddhartha Gautama
Spirit of my silence, I can hear you,
and I’m afraid to be near you,
and I don’t know how to begin,
and I don’t know how to begin.
~Sufjan Stevens
The past isn’t dead. It isn’t even past. ~ William S. Burroughs
The words you speak become the house you live in. ~ Hafiz
The darkness has a light of its own light. ~ Theodore Roethke
The lyf so short; the crafte so long to lerne” ~ Chaucer
What is it, then, between us? ~ Walt Whitman
In many parts of the world water is
Scarce and precious.
People sometimes have to walk
A great distance
Then carry heavy jugs upon their
Because of our wisdom, we will travel
Far for love.
All movement is a sign of
“Everything falls apart, the Buddha said as he lay dying, “tread the path with care.” ~ Stephen Batchelor
I-Thou. ~ Martin Buber
No mud, no lotus. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Mind, body and spirit, not three, but one. ~ Verne Varona
Careful the tale you tell
That is the spell. ~ Stephen Sondheim
Into the woods. ~ Stephen Sondheim
If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is “thank you,” that would suffice. ~ Meister Eckhart
At the still point of the turning world…there the dance is. ~ T.S. Eliot
Every time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility. Yet when I talk with my gardener, I’m convinced of the opposite. ~ Bertrand Russell
Into the middle of things. ~ Horace
The birds they sang
At the break of day
Start again,
I heard them say
~ Leonard Cohen
Ring the bell that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There’s a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
~ Leonard Cohen
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ~ Krishnamurti
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. ~ Rabindranath Tagor
We live amid surfaces, and the true art of life is to skate well on them. ~ Emerson
We first raise a dust and then claim we cannot see. ~ George Berkeley
Live the life you have imagined” ~ Henry David Thoreau
“Holy listening: to listen another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service any human being ever performs for another.” ~ Douglas Steer, Quaker writer